j e d i . s o u r c e f o r g e . n e t
Javascripty Electronic Data Interchange
is an open source web-based EDI
transaction manager. The basic application works well, and is currently
used in a production setting. You might find it useful, or want
to join in developing.
Demo, download, contribute
If you would like to review Jedi, view the
To download, go to the
download pages.
If you would like to help work on the project, the sourceforge
project pages are here.
Sourceforge description: A modular, class-based PHP
program which manages basic EDI transactions using FTP. It is web-based, using
a Smarty template interface and relies on
ADOdb database abstraction
so it works with any major database and can be skinned as you please.
- FTP Send and Receive files
- GNupg Encryption enabled
- EDI 824, 850, 855, 832 transactions completed
- Themeable with Smarty templates
- Designed in MySQL, but uses any major database
- Cross-platform
Modular Design
The Jedi application is modular, and allows you to add EDI transactions
by modifying a database table and adding a few lines of script to
handle anything unusual with that transaction.
The application was originally designed for a small business with minimum
requirements for EDI transactions (832, 850, 855, 824), so we will have
fun extending it into the future.
This page last updated in June 2006.